museum of man and the old globe
Luminous Views Gallery

As I seek out scenes one thing I will always focus on is structures that are from a time before mine. In April 1914 the Panama-California Exposition was held in San Diego. In many ways this event shaped so much of what this town has grown to be.
The exhibits in the museum and the performances at the theater have created world wide recognition. Yet the association with this recognition often gets lost - which is just fine as those who know what this town has to offer make the sacrifice.
I believe this has given my life choices and experiences I am really grateful for. Never the less being able to say to myself “I wanna be just like...” keeps me pointing away from this town I call home. The need to see other places around the world is too great.
museum of man and the old globe
(over 10% sold) 750 editions
(over 10% sold) 300 editions
©April 2003