petco park from above
Luminous Views Gallery

Have you ever seen anything like this?
If you are interested in having any image made into wall art like this please contact Michael as this is done by hand by Michael..
My first commercial photography studio was three blocks from where the ball park is now. This was about a decade before the ballpark was constructed when commercial space downtown was affordable.
Petco Park differentiates itself from many other Major League ballparks built in the same era by eschewing "retro" style red brick and green seats. The stadium is clad in Indian sandstone and stucco; its exposed steel is painted white and the 40,209 fixed seats are dark blue. The design is meant to evoke the sandy color of San Diego cliffs and beaches, the blue of the ocean, and the white sails of boats on the nearby bay.
The Western Metal Supply Co. building, a hundred-year-old brick structure that had been scheduled for demolition to make way for Petco Park, was saved and incorporated into the design of the ballpark. The building was renovated and contains the team store, private suites, a restaurant and rooftop seating.
What I love about the San Diego Padres team is they are not a great team. So many hardcore home team fans travel here just to see their team beat the Padres. And some visit the weekly market I show at. Indicatively I end up shipping all over the country. Thank you Padres.
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© February 2020