our lady of angels church on good friday
Luminous Views Gallery

Places of worship hold the kind significance that gives individuals reasons for life and death. In the past for me it has been a struggle to separate this from religions pursuit of power through this weakness in individuals.
Most recently in my life I have discovered that the things I cannot control I should not focus on. I write this as I am becoming truly grateful for the opportunity to photograph weddings for couples. A wedding is a day full of emotion, ceremony and how love brings us all together. The gratification of knowing I contributed to a day so important gives me more than almost anything.
I wish for this art work to come close to giving at this level. Places of worship have provided the venue for people to gather, feel, give and be as one. And if religion uses these venues to the opposite I will ignore it and continue to put my efforts what I can do for people as what separates us makes us weak and strength in being together is what God is about.
our lady of angels church
on good Friday
300 editions
750 editions
©May 2003