Sometimes we find ourselves walking from one point to another, immersed in things that are not there. We keep our eyes to our gadgets, concentrating on audio and visual inputs that keep us connected to the virtual world. And that world is important, since many professional lives develop right there – on the web. They are also a way to communicate quick and easy with our coworkers, clients and loved ones. But we fail to notice that with the same strength this virtual activities connect us to those who are not there, they also disconnect us from every material thing that is right next to our walking path, as they drag us more and more into a world that exists “within a world”.
Photographers move between those two worlds. They use digital tools to depict what is right there, where they are. Then, those same tools help sharing that true, original depiction of reality to another place in such a quick manner that if our ancestors saw them, they would suggest that such manners defy the laws of physics. But what about the physical depiction itself? When did it stopped being important for the observer, as a tangible transmutation of something that is there, and can someday be changed – o even disappear?
That is just the case here with artist Michael James Slattery´s latest work, the “Museum of Man and the Old Globe” print. This masterpiece was elaborated to commemorate Balboa Park´s 100 year anniversary, driven by the admiration the artist feels for such a remarkable and historic place. During the time of its foundation, Balboa Park was conceived as a dedicated open public landscape in a time when San Diego – as part of California – belonged to Mexico. These majestic structures represent a heritage from a time long before ours, and yet maintain an astounding originality that never ceases to amuse those with a keen eye for architectonic history.
In April 1914 the Panama-California Exposition was held in San Diego. Some say this event helped shape what this town has grown to be, bow a worldwide recognize American city where many great things happen every year. There is a long list of attractions and places to visit, like the San Diego Zoo and the Aerospace Museum – both in Balboa Park. But sometimes the association with this recognition gets lost - which is just fine as those who know what this town has to offer make the sacrifice to show the world those particular details from a unique angle only a trained eye can find.
You can admire this and many other prints from Slaterry´s work at Luminous Views Gallery in 1815 Fifth Ave, San Diego, CA 92101. It is open to the public mon-fri from 4pm to 9pm. For more information about the “Museum of Man and the Old Globe” print, follow this link. You can contact Luminous Views via email on sales@luminous-views.com and via phone on +1 (619) 231-9061.
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